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I had my first 10 unit dose of Lupron last night in preparation for our upcoming FET.  Problem is, I was supposed to have taken my first dose the night BEFORE.  So, naturally, I panicked.  Then realized it was out of my hands and, after all, I only missed one day so what is the harm?  I mean really now.  Yet, I still feel like a ding-dong for the mistake.

In my aim to shift focusing so hard off these cycles to retain a sense of normalcy, maybe I let the pendulum swing a bit too far?  I mean, I am full steam ahead on work, classes AND the Couch to 5K.  I have to admit it’s been wonderful being so busy.  It has done wonders in helping me focus on the future and not have it always be about babies, babies, babies.  Now it’s shin splints, homework, looking for a better job and naps when I can get ’em.  I love me some naps.

So, anyway…I got the shot done and damn-it if I don’t ALREADY feel a migraine coming on!  Oh Lupron…suck it.  I’m giving this cycle over to the forces of nature.

I feel amazing since we started training.  Four weeks ago Chris and I couldn’t get through 30 second runs without wheezing.  Now we can sail through 5 minutes at a clip!  We are eating AMAZINGLY well (I might give birth to spinach if not a baby soon), and we feel so good.  So much better than before.  So, I know I’m doing what’s right for me and my body.

It’s your ball Mother Nature.

So, this morning we went in and suited up for our embryo transfer.  Having been through this part of the process twice before, we were prepared for the whole routine.  Chris gave me my morning PIO shot.  I knew just how much water to drink before going in so that I had a full bladder for transfer, but not too full.  I knew to bring a pillow for the drive home.  Chris even knew to bring the tie from my bathrobe to lightly fasten around my knees to help me keep them up and together for that 30-40 minute wait after transfer.  We are like old pros.

Of all the 7 that fertilized, all 7 were still dividing today.  Some better than others.  We ended up transferring three: One 8 cell, one 7 cell and one 6 cell.  The rest were around 4 cells that we will freeze.

So, now comes the time where you try to almost forget you did this.  You try to be careful for the 2ww, but carry on with life.  My great challenge always is to hold off on the “symptom checks”.  I have to remember that the Endometrin gives me wicked “pregnancy” side effects so it’s useless to get caught up in the minutiae of it all.

We go in on June 2nd for our beta.

So, here I am on bed rest watching Barefoot Contessa and taking it easy.

Here we go again….

Great news!  Out of the 7 eggs retrieved, out of all 7 injected…all 7 fertilized!!!

We go in on Friday morning for transfer.

I’m going to just try to enjoy this moment knowing that fragmentation could be undesirable and so many other factors that can go wrong… it’s important to just take in that we got to this point again.

All in all today was very by the book.  We went in this morning and followed the usual routines: check in, gown up, sign paperwork, get IV in, get on table and POOF, out to the world.  When I woke up I got the news that the haul was 7 eggs.  Of course you always hope you get a slew of ’em for odds sake, but this number is nothing to sneeze at.  Last year this time it was 8 eggs so I am on my course for the usual haul.  So, no hyperstimming and no real discomfort beyond what you would expect after a procedure like this.   It’s so nice not to feel like my abdomen is going to explode.

We picked up some soup and salad for lunch, headed home, ate and slept away the afternoon.  I have off the rest of the week and, pending the results of our fert report, am on scheduled to transfer on Friday (three days away).  I have a wedding shower on Saturday that will most likely have to slide so I can honor some good old-fashioned bed rest.

As far as what the doc said, it looks like my left ovary was literally stuck to my uterus due to that endometrioma.  Gross thought, huh?  He said it made it tough to get to those few follies on that side, but he was pleased with what they aspirated from the right ovary, so it wasn’t a huge deal.  I don’t know how that plays into the transfer/implantation, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.  Doctor did say that it would need to be addressed at some point, though.  Ugh.  The thought of going in for another Laparotomy is not something I want to have to think about right now.

So, hopefully there is a little party going on in our petri dishes and everybody partners up!


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May 2024


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