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Whew, I feel like I have been in a little bit of a cave.  I was waiting to post after we knew we actually had a baby in there since I am a superstitious worry wart and had convinced myself I was going to be horribly disappointed today.  The thought of posting all the goofy giddy feelings I’ve been going through seemed premature until I really SAW what the heck we were dealing with.

I am so happy to say that it is one little bean who, at 6w2d is around 5w6d.  I asked the Doc if she thought this is an issue only to be reassured that our peanut is falling right in the window of what they want to see development wise.  Also got to see the tiniest flutter of a heartbeat!!  Whuh-WHUH!?  Couldn’t believe my eyes.  Chris and I were slack-jawed at this little flicker of light on the screen.  Never thought this would happen for us.

They want us to come in next week for one more ultrasound just to be sure everything is developing as it should before releasing us to my OB.  Also to measure the heart rate of Mr. bean (or Miss. bean).

I thought today would assuage my nerves…and it did…for an hour or two.  Now I need to know that our bean has a strong heartbeat.  THEN I’ll feel better.  Right?  Riiiiiight.  Then it will be a thousand other things.

Anyhow, we are both over the moon with feet firmly on the ground.  It is still so early but we’re taking each day, each week as it comes and crossing fingers all the way.


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May 2024


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