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Well, another ultrasound/blood work appointment down.

R Ovary: 17,15,15,14,13.5, 13.5, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10 and a few less than 10mm.

That’s twelve follies on my superchamp right side!

L Ovary: 15 & 11.5.  Yeah, well, we knew this going in.

Lining: 11

Estrogen: 1016

We go back in on Sunday for another monitoring appointment to see where I’m at.  The nurse seemed to think I could possibly trigger either Sunday or Monday night depending on results.  So, I am pleased that there is some action going on now.

After our appointment, Chris and I stopped to get some breakfast.  We are always super hungry after these morning deals and decided today that we would sit down to a proper meal.  And boy did we eat.  Eggs, hash browns, bacon, 1/2 waffle!  It hit the spot.  Only problem was that spot hit back around 11am.  It’s still hitting me.  I was half convinced I had food poisoning or the stomach flu for a moment there.  Bullet dodged.  (Although, I am still having tummy pains. Ugh)

Now, let’s talk for a moment about Follistim- shall we?

We try to order our meds on an as needed basis each cycle.  I mean, with enough for a little wiggle room, but we don’t go all whole hog on the meds the nurse calls in.  It’s just too damn expensive when you pay out-of-pocket.  Well, late this afternoon, we found ourselves a wee bit stressed out to find that we were not given the order to trigger this weekend.  This left us, at end of work day, with a limited amount of Follistim to carry us past Sunday.  Add in the fact that we could not get a shipment of extra Follistim until Monday (plus we didn’t want to rely on the fact that our Dr. would have a back up).  Chris scrambled and did some research, some experimenting and found out that these lovely Follistim vials have extra medication in them.  I feel like a dunderhead and when we pulled out our old Folli pen from last cycle, there was at least three to five extra injections left!!!!  ((facepalm))  Too bad it’s expired.  Grrrrr.

Turns out that we can literally squeeze every drop outta these bad boys and still be fine for Monday.  Big, double “WHEW” on that one.  I was on the precipice of meltdown mode at the thought of plunking down $800 bucks on more meds for just two days.

So, onward to Sunday.

Pretty uneventful second visit.  Right ovary is producing (17.5, 14.5, 14 & 12mm follies) and the Left is, well, being that usual cyst-ridden festering nightmare….one big, fat endometrioma which is not getting any bigger thank goodness, but is blocking the follies behind it!  They could only really measure one follie.  One 12mm, sad, little follie.  Ugh.

Lining: 9.6

Estrogen: 452

So, all in all, things are going as planned.  We are going back in tomorrow morning for another scan/draw to see how big these follies are getting and, if all looks good, may trigger on Saturday or Sunday.

Other than that, I am really moody and spoiling for an argument.  Horrible, I know, but there is little I can do but ride it out.

These shots are all so routine I find myself in the morning, half awake, chopping lettuce and ripping open an alcohol prep pad.  Slathering avocado on bread and drawing Lupron into a syringe.  Blending a smoothie with ice on my stomach.  It’s all running together. As long as I don’t inject my turkey I should be right as rain.

At the moment I am doing the “rah! rah! sis-boom-bah!” for more follies to pop up containing big, strong, healthy eggies ready to fertilize and make babies.  Crossing fingers….

So after our god awfully early doctor’s appointment today, we have been cleared to start stims.

I have a lovely endometrioma hanging out, waiting to make trouble, so we are going to just keep an eye on it as stimming progresses.  The bloodwork came back fine so we are on the road again.

Reducing Lupron to 5 units and starting Follistim & Menopur on Friday.

Next ultrasound in 8 days….


Had the last ultrasound today and this one was a bear.  Getting up at 5:30am, getting two shots and leaving for an hour car ride with no breakfast…is no fun…BUT we had an amazing breakfast afterward so all in all I should not be complaining.

Got the call from Nurse today- my E2 has shot up to 2404!!  I’ve been instructed to trigger at 2am which comes with great relief being as we planned our meds down to the last drop of Follistim and used our last dose this morning.  The clinic provided us with a backup Ganirelix and 300IUs of Follistim just in case we needed one more day of stims, but now we can just bring those back on Thursday since I won’t need them tomorrow. (Cue cha-cha dance)

The thought of not having shots tomorrow is just divine.  It was getting a little old these past few days, but onward we go and I hope, I hope, I hope we get some super fantastic high quality eggies that are ready to mambo with hubby’s, um, er… representatives.

**2AM Update: Trigger has been pulled.  Easy in, easy out.  Onto the next lilly pad!


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