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Pretty uneventful second visit.  Right ovary is producing (17.5, 14.5, 14 & 12mm follies) and the Left is, well, being that usual cyst-ridden festering nightmare….one big, fat endometrioma which is not getting any bigger thank goodness, but is blocking the follies behind it!  They could only really measure one follie.  One 12mm, sad, little follie.  Ugh.

Lining: 9.6

Estrogen: 452

So, all in all, things are going as planned.  We are going back in tomorrow morning for another scan/draw to see how big these follies are getting and, if all looks good, may trigger on Saturday or Sunday.

Other than that, I am really moody and spoiling for an argument.  Horrible, I know, but there is little I can do but ride it out.

These shots are all so routine I find myself in the morning, half awake, chopping lettuce and ripping open an alcohol prep pad.  Slathering avocado on bread and drawing Lupron into a syringe.  Blending a smoothie with ice on my stomach.  It’s all running together. As long as I don’t inject my turkey I should be right as rain.

At the moment I am doing the “rah! rah! sis-boom-bah!” for more follies to pop up containing big, strong, healthy eggies ready to fertilize and make babies.  Crossing fingers….

Me: 33  – Stage IV Endometriosis/Fibroids/Cysts/Blocked Tubes

-2006 Laparoscopy for removal of adhesions, endometrioma/cyst issue on left ovary

-Had follow up Hysterosalpingogram to check healing progress revealing blocked left tube and open right tube-

-2007 Laparotomy for removal of more adhesions & endometrioma/cyst on left ovary-

-Went on 6 months of Lupron injections-

-2008 Began looking to fertility treatments after 6 months of TTC with no positive results.  Had a Sonohysterogram to practice IVF transfer and found that uterine walls had adhesions-

-Laparotomy in 2008 for for removal of more adhesions & endometrioma, clearance of left tube along with removal   of uterine adhesions (D&C)-

-Jan-Mar/2009  three months of Lupron-

-2009 Had another Hysterosalpingogram to check progress of healing only to find that now both tubes are blocked-

Onward to IVF and beyond…we turn the page, again and again and again.


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May 2024


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