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Well, my chickadees…looks like this FET ain’t happenin’ anytime soon.

Went in for a SHG this morning only to find out three things:

1) My left ovarian cyst has grown and the doc is adamant that the ovary, at last, needs to be removed.

2) They also had a hard time getting the catheter into my uterus given all the lovely polyps that came about.  So that will need to be addressed before we do any more transfers…’cause really, what’s the point of transfer with all that crap going on.

3) Our original RE has left and moved on to a new hospital.

Ok, first of all, we always knew that left ovary was a goner at some point.  It just sucks that it has to happen now and like this.  Just when we were getting back on track.  Ugh, anyway, it’s for the best at the end of the day.  These things need to be addressed.  That left ovary has caused me so many problems over the past few years, and was producing so poorly during stims that it makes sense we bid it adieu at last.  According to doc, it would have eventually been the cause of many problems (some of which I had a nasty preview of a couple of years back) and I don’t really need to be waking up with obstructed bowels or ovarian torsion any day soon.  I got enough problems, thank you.

The polyps were an issue before.  Cleaned up at laparotomy #2 but since my last period, they have grown back.

Dr. C. being gone was a surprise.  To be honest, he was all but absent from our last retrieval/transfer and the RE who ended up doing it all is head of the practice anyway.  We like him a lot and feel good staying under his care as we continue.  I told Chris I feel an almost mystical connection to the guy now since he was basically the doc in charge who got us pregnant earlier this year.  He will be doing my lap along with another doc who worked on me at lap #2.  I’m just a regular patron there!  They alllllll know me.

So, it’s onto laparotomy #3 for me…


..I mean, YAYYYY!!!  Right?

Yay, I’ll be positive about this.  Yay, it’s for the best.  Yay, time to buck up and see the good side of more major surgery.



When are we ever gonna catch a break?

All in all today was very by the book.  We went in this morning and followed the usual routines: check in, gown up, sign paperwork, get IV in, get on table and POOF, out to the world.  When I woke up I got the news that the haul was 7 eggs.  Of course you always hope you get a slew of ’em for odds sake, but this number is nothing to sneeze at.  Last year this time it was 8 eggs so I am on my course for the usual haul.  So, no hyperstimming and no real discomfort beyond what you would expect after a procedure like this.   It’s so nice not to feel like my abdomen is going to explode.

We picked up some soup and salad for lunch, headed home, ate and slept away the afternoon.  I have off the rest of the week and, pending the results of our fert report, am on scheduled to transfer on Friday (three days away).  I have a wedding shower on Saturday that will most likely have to slide so I can honor some good old-fashioned bed rest.

As far as what the doc said, it looks like my left ovary was literally stuck to my uterus due to that endometrioma.  Gross thought, huh?  He said it made it tough to get to those few follies on that side, but he was pleased with what they aspirated from the right ovary, so it wasn’t a huge deal.  I don’t know how that plays into the transfer/implantation, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.  Doctor did say that it would need to be addressed at some point, though.  Ugh.  The thought of going in for another Laparotomy is not something I want to have to think about right now.

So, hopefully there is a little party going on in our petri dishes and everybody partners up!


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May 2024


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